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主机: 4505MCU

Adding participants

You can add a participant to a conference in two ways: either as a "one-off" participant in to an active conference now or by adding their endpoint to the conference configuration, in which case the endpoint will be called every time the conference occurs. Their endpoint must be pre-configured for you to be able to do this, see Adding pre-configured participants.

To call an endpoint immediately you can either put in their endpoint details or select a pre-configured endpoint and call out. Their endpoint can be an H.323, SIP or VNC endpoint. Refer to the first three links below for details:

Note that participants called by the MCU will have chairperson privileges. For more information about chairperson and guest privileges, refer to Adding a conference.

Note if you have the Web conferencing feature key on your MCU, you can also add ConferenceMe participants to a conference through the Participants list page. For more information on how to do this, see Viewing the conference participant list.

Adding an H.323 participant

To call a participant with an H.323 endpoint in to an active conference:

  1. Go to Conferences to display the Conference List.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click Add participant.

Adding a SIP participant

To call a participant with a SIP endpoint in to an active conference:

  1. Go to Conferences to display the Conference List.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click Add participant.

Adding a VNC participant

To call a VNC endpoint in to an active conference:

  1. Go to Conferences to display the Conference List.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click Add VNC.

Adding pre-configured participants

You can choose participants whose endpoints have been configured previously to be part of a scheduled conference. These participants will be automatically invited into the conference by the MCU every time the conference runs. This is useful if you regularly invite the same participants into a conference.

To add previously configured endpoints to a conference:

  1. Go to Conferences to display the Conference List.
  2. Click a Conference name and then click the Configuration tab.
  3. Click the Pre-configured participants button. The pre-configured participants page will be displayed. This page lists all the endpoints that have been configured on the MCU (see Configuring an H.323 endpoint and Configuring a SIP endpoint).
  4. Select which endpoints you would like to add as pre-configured participants in this conference.
  5. Press Return to conference configuration.
  6. Make any other changes you require to the conference configuration, then click Update conference. (If you do not click Update conference, you will lose the selections of configured endpoints made in the previous steps.)

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